Te Ao o Taonga Puoro - Worksheets

This page offers a number of worksheets that teachers can use to support the live presentation of Bob's schools programme 'Te Ao o Taonga Puoro'.

The Manu Cacophony

Here's a fun worksheet where you can explore the sounds of actual manu (birds) with the manu sounds made by Bob on his karanga manu.

Here's some game suggestions:

  • Match the bird sounds to the photographs.
  • Which sound is real and which is Bob?
  • Match the instrument photos to the sound and/or the bird photos.


Department of Conservation for the manu sounds and New Zealand Birds Online for the bird photographs - copyright Graeme Taylor, Adam Clarke, Kevin B Agar, Peter Frost - restricted use of audio and bird photographs as specified here: https://nzbirdsonline.org.nz/copyright

Musical Match Making

In this worksheet students can match the name of the instrument to its sound, its photograph and its description. I've included a PDF of a set of cards that can be printed off, so the exercise can be done in class or could be generated from this online resource. Eight of the instruments used in the programme are used for this worksheet.


This instrument is hit and is a member of the Papatūānuku whānau. It can be made from two pieces of wood, stone or bone. Long ago these instruments were used to help people to remember words that were being taught by ear.


This instrument is spun on a string by pulling your arms apart. It is a member of the Tāwhririmātea whānau and was played over people, especially children, when they had colds  as it would ease congestion.

Hue Puruhau

This instrument is hit and is a member of the Hine Pū Te Hue whānau and is made from a gourd. Hine Pū Te Hue brought peace amongst her brothers and sisters following conflict over the separation of Ranginui and Papatūānuku.

Poi Awhiowhio

This instrument is swung on a string and is a member of the Hine Pū Te Hue whānau. It has a very peaceful sound and was used long ago to attract birds as they would think it sounded like a moth or butterfly.


This instrument is a member of the Tangaroa whānau. It consistes of a large seashell and can be blown with the tāne (male) voice as well as the wāhine (female) voice. When the shell is held up to the ear, you can hear the sea.


This instrument is a member of the Hine Raukatauri whānau. Hine Raukatauri was the atua of flute music and loved her flute so much she went to live inside it. This instrument has many voices, including the wāhine voice, the tāne voice and the child's voice.


This instrument is a member of the Hine Raukatauri whānau. It has three fingers holes and is blown from one end. On the blowing end you can see a carved face as the player needs to hongi with the instrument and share breath to make its sound.

Karanga Ruru

This instrument is a member of the Tāne whānau of instruments. Tāne cloaked Papatūānuku in a wonderful clock of greenery, which we know as the ngahere (forest) and he populated the forest with manu (birds). This instrument sounds like a Ruru (Morepork).

Download a PDF of printable cards by clicking on this link: